We, at Terra, value opportunities to recognize our community of support.
People who give generously of their time, talent, and treasures, have a direct
impact on our work and how we help the teen parents we work with, achieve their

Deep Roots is our annual tribute to those who have made meaningful
contributions to the work we do with Edmonton’s teen parent families. Our
guests joined us for an evening of inspiration as they met six young moms who
received post-secondary scholarships. Guests also toured our newly activated
spaces at our west-end home; the completed spaces were made possible through
generous donations to the first phase of our Capital Campaign.

As a special token of appreciation each guest was invited to sit with the
talented Andrea Yacyshyn, who presented them with an on-the-spot, manually typed, personalized poem.

Highlights of Terra’s Deep Roots Event October 2023

Scholarship Awards

Through donor support we have been fortunate to award post-secondary scholarships to selected participants. At our 2023 Deep Roots event six Terra participants were each awarded a $2,000 scholarship for their fortitude and focus on post-secondary opportunities.

Luz Maria

I learned just how meaningful support at Terra can be, and exactly how crucial it is to follow your heart when building a future for yourself and your family.


“Thanks to the guidance from Terra, I have felt less stranded and alone, and have been able to build my future with certainty.”


 “I have accomplished so much through Terra’s programs and with support.”


“I believe I am a good representation of how successful Terra can be in helping someone prosper.”


“Without the tremendous amount of support I received from the Terra Centre during my time at Braemar School, I never would have been able to graduate.”


“It was everything I needed to hear and experience to truly believe I can do hard things on my own and that I do deserve better.”

*real name withheld