Terra relies on volunteers, financial and in-kind donations to offer services and support our teen parents.
At Terra, our specialized team tailors programs and services to meet the needs of each teen parent. Always safe, never judgemental. Learn more about what we have to offer our young families.
While Terra is looking forward to being fully open to in-person programming, we have continued to engage and support our participants virtually in the past year, thanks to the support of our community. These past 16 months have challenged our ability to engage meaningfully with our teen-parent families. Our commitment to being flexible as well as adaptable means finding creative ways to continue engaging with our participants.
Celebrating Indigenous Culture: Terra continues to host virtual beading sessions for families to learn more about Indigenous culture. These beading groups are hosted by a Terra participant and give her the opportunity to build her public speaking skills while working with other families in the community. As an organization that serves more than 50% of participants who identify as First Nations, Metis and Inuit, integrating culture into our programs creates opportunities to learn, embrace and engage in cultural experiences that positively enrich their lives.
Creatively Connecting with Dads: Our young dads value the opportunity to connect with other young dads. To nurture these connections, we provide opportunities that help prevent isolation and strengthen a sense of community among our participants. For a recent dads night, Terra staff delivered seeds and the materials to build garden boxes to dads and together they built boxes and discussed how to incorporate their children into gardening. Because of you, Terra can be flexible to meet the needs of teen parent families throughout the pandemic and beyond.